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About Us

A Culinary Journey to Japan

At Hanasaki, we believe that food is an expression of culture and a bridge to connect people. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of quality and authenticity in our cuisine.We offer a carefully curated selection of traditional and contemporary Japanese dishes, each prepared with passion, precision, and respect for the centuries-old culinary art of Japan. From the delicate flavors of sushi and sashimi to the soul-warming bowls of ramen and the crispy elegance of tempura, our menu reflects the diversity and depth of Japanese gastronomy.

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Our Story

Our founder, Joe Z, a seasoned traveler and food enthusiast, fell in love with the art of Japanese cooking during a visit to Japan. Mesmerized by the precision and dedication that Japanese chefs poured into each dish,Joe Z was determined to bring that same level of authenticity and craftsmanship to London. With a vision to create a space where people could experience the true essence of Japan through its food, Hanasaki was born.Check our menu Today.

Meet The Team

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